In one of the last speeches delivered on the floor of the 48th Congress, the Jungle Party deputy leader summed up the past four years as "Triple-U:
Uninspiring. Unfulfilling. Underachieving". That pretty much says it all about the 48th Congress: a mostly "maintain the status quo", "hold the line", or "same old same old" administration with few real accomplishments to its credit, simplistic boilerplate solutions to fight the recession ("spend, spend, spend"), and little in the way of real growth since 2006. It wasn't a truly failed administration like the 41st Congress, which pretty much failed right out of the box, or the 40th Congress, which was unfortunate enough to hold office during the god-awful 1970s. But the 48th Congress was unequal to the task of fighting the global economic downturn, kick-starting Patria's failing industries or stopping the export of jobs to China.
A number of other U's could also describe the lame-duck Congress limping on to adjournment: underemployed, underperforming, underwhelming, unrewarding, unsustainable, unprepared, etc. The term "Triple-U" was, of course, coined by Jim Rome to describe truly awful e-mails and texts (Unfunny, Uninspired, Unreadable) that often result in the sender being blocked ("BLOCKED!! BLOCKED!!").