Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Occupy Patria, anyone?

Unless you've been living under a rock for the past couple months, you know about Occupy Wall Street and the proliferation of similar "occupations" throughout North America, Europe and much of the macro-world, whose alleged main purpose is to fight back against the corrosive power of major banks and multinational corporations (the so-called "one percent") over the democratic process, and the role of Wall Street in creating an economic collapse that has caused the greatest recession since the 1930s depression.

Yes, there is an "Occupy Castoropolis" in Patria's capital. You will find the bunch of unemployed losers, left-over hippies, 1960s flower children (or flower children wannabes who weren't yet born in the 38th Congress), blissed-out stoners, discredited union bosses, and other assorted leftist rabble camped out in Vivekananda Park (the grounds of Castoropolis City Hall), just across the street from the Patrienish Stock Exchange on the corner of 1st and Upsilon Street NW. If you need a map and some basic orientation to Patria's capital city. Expect them to be evicted and mass arrested sooner rather than later, possibly with the help of rubber bullets and tear gas, given that there is still a strong National Union law-and-order element in Castoropolis even though the NU no longer holds the majority of seats in the Federal District legislature.

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