The following minor parties in Patria actually exist in some form in the macronational world. (In the micronational community, real-life existing countries such as Canada and the U.S. are known as "macronations".)
Green Party of Patria - Unlike like the Green Party of Canada, which gets shut out of Canada's House of Commons and provincial legistatures because of the dinosaur first-past-the-post electoral system, the Green Party of Patria is awarded a number of seats in the Congressus Patriaƫ (24 in 2006) thanks to proportional representation. Like the macro-national Greens of Canada, the U.S. and Europe, the Greens of Patria appear to be leftist, progressive, bike-riding, Birkenstock-wearing, tree-hugging environmentalists. But a quick glance at their platform would reveal them to be economic conservatives and even Ayn Rand-style free-enterprise capitalists disguised as politically correct left-wingers.
Libertarian Party of Patria - "More freedom through less government", strongly civil libertarian, staunch advocates of free speech and opponents of all forms of censorship, the Libertarian party of Patria, like Libertarian Parties in the United States and Canada, is conservative on economic issues but very liberal on "free choice" issues such as legalization of drugs or abortion. There really is not much need for a Libertarian party in Patria, since Patria has become quite libertarian since the 1990s - decriminalizing drugs for all practical purposes, no restrictions on abortion, and strongly free-speech. In Patria, there are no laws criminalizing freedom of thought such as Holocaust denial. To the extent that they do not advocate violence against specific individuals or incite rioting, far-right nutbars such as Ernst Zundel who might find themselves jailed in Canada would not be prosecuted (or persecuted) for politically incorrect thoughts in Patria.
Social Democrats/Progressive Labor - Much like Canada's New Democrats, the Social Democrats are a social-justice, centre-left, "tax-and-spend liberal" or "progressive" party dating from the 1930s. Progressive Labor is another very old party, going back to the 1890s, that claims to represent the working proletariat. The SD and PL will merge in 2010, in an attempt to unite the left. The combined party will likely be known simply as Social Democrats, dropping any references to the Red-baiting Cold War era baggage contained in terms such as "progressive" and "labor".
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