Saturday, May 16, 2020

Patria does not consent. Dissident voices and Sheetala puja

Sheetala Mata ki jai!
While Patria has rejected the COVID19 economic lockdown and is aiming for herd immunity, temples across Patria are performing pujas to Sheetala - an incarnation of the Divine Mother Durga who cures smallpox and other infectious diseases - including, of course, COVID19. Sheetala (sometimes spelled Shitala, but remember the i is long; in Sanskrit: शीतला śītalā) rides on a donkey (coincidentally the symbol of the US Democratic party), and carries a silver broom, a fan, a small bowl, and a pot of water. She uses these items to rid a house of disease–she sweeps up the germs with her broom, uses the fan to collect them, and dumps them into the bowl. She then sprinkles water from the pot (which is water from the river Ganges) to purify the house. Sheetala’s name means “the cooling one”. With the change of seasons and coming of the hot period, amid the COVID19 pandemic, it is essential to emphasize the importance of hygiene for human health and the worship of Sheetala Mata provides the motivation to keep the surroundings clean and hygienic.

On the floor of Congress, the House Leader of the SRM, Patria's official opposition party, delivered an impassioned speech that places Patria firmly into the camp of COVID19 dissident voices who will not tow the mainstream media party line. The transcription follows:

Madam Speaker, in the world of COVID19, Patria stands as a dissident voice. Patria rejects the lockdown, Patria rejects the fear, and most important of all, citizens of Patria do not consent. Know well those four words: I DO NOT CONSENT (In Patrienish, three words: imí nolí consentí)

I do not consent to the tracking and tracing of citizens of Patria (or any macro-world citizens for that matter). And if we can track law-abiding citizens, then why haven't we made rapists, murderers, pedophiles and other dangerous criminals a priority?
I do not consent to a party or leader who makes decisions without the democratic process of a vote in Congress.
I do not consent to being told that I am not taking a virus seriously simply because I question and challenge arbitrary laws.
I do not consent to limiting free speech under the guise of protecting Patria from the spread of misinformation. No government has a monopoly on information. China does, though. As did the Third Reich and Soviet Union.
I do not consent to the extreme censorship that is taking place on social media platforms towards doctors, scientists, political scientists, activists and dissident voices who uphold data about a possible differing outcome than the mainstream media would have us believe. This is the 21st century version of book burning.
I do not consent to an increased risk of heart disease, obesity or type 2 diabetes from lack of physical activity because YMCAs, gyms and other fitness facilities are closed indefinitely.
I do not consent to banning entry into temples, churches, synagogues, mosques and other places of worship. Freedom of religion is a fundamental human right, enshrined in the Constitution of Patria and in the basic laws or constitutions of virtually every First World democracy.
I do not consent to closing down nature trails, nature parks, and other outdoor spaces when liquor stores, cannabis stores and RupeeRama stores [a chain of stores in Patria, like Dollarama and other dollar stores in Canada] remain open, along with other businesses deemed “essential”. There is absolutely nothing more essential on this Earth than Earth itself.
I do not consent to the closing of small businesses while multi-million dollar companies remain open. Michigan, as an example, stated that for every one COVID19 death, 2,750 people will lose their livelihood. This will (and has) undoubtedly contributed to rising rates of suicide, depression, drug and alcohol dependency, domestic violence and abuse.
I do not consent to being prevented from freely travelling within Patria while the politicians who impose these laws break them and visit their cottages, country estates and summer homes.
I do not consent to my tax dollars being used for bailouts of major corporations while small business owners – many of which are heart-centered businesses or have been family-owned for generations – fall into poverty.
I do not consent to being told all these decisions are for my safety while thousands of dangerous criminals have been released from prisons, allegedly for their own “protection”.
I do not consent to violating Patria's human rights legislation and court precedents dating back to 1818 which state that my body is sovereign and no medical procedure can be mandated. Or even violating the US Constitution, which did not tack “except in case of a virus” to the first ten amendments. As those who fought for abortion rights in the 1970s would say, “my body, my choice”.
I do not consent to mandatory vaccination. How do you think this will end? Not well.
I do not consent to the label "anti-vaxxer" simply because I have concerns about mandatory vaccines or medical procedures - especially high risk vaccines with limited testing that are deemed highly profitable to the most questionable of interests.
I do not consent to being labelled a conspiracy theorist simply because I question certain government, corporate and industrial motives.
I do not consent to the idea that pharmaceutical companies are the only way we can prevent or heal from illness.
I do not consent to the complete failure to discuss what promotes real health and immunity: vegetables, grass-fed meat (for those who are not vegetarian or vegan), organic, non-GMO produce, low glycemic food (since metabolic dysfunction puts you at a significantly greater risk), botanicals, sleep, exercise, sunshine (or at least a vitamin D supplement), fresh air and human connection such as giving and receiving hugs.
I do not consent to the news media only talking about the death count when the survival rate is much higher. Fear cripples the immune system. Why aren't they talking about both?
I do not consent to the censorship of health practitioners simply for talking about increasing immunity through nutrients, herbs and botanicals which have been used for thousands of years.
I do not consent to mad scientists (that includes you, Mr. Gates) and corporations who ignore the divine intelligence of our body, our immune system and our Earth.
I do not consent to the lack of discussion on how the exploitation and rape of the Earth, our divine feminine, has increased illness globally – everything from heart disease to depression, autoimmunity, cancer and autism, for decades.
I do not consent, Patria.
Do you?
I consent to being called a critical thinker, a person who cares about tomorrow, an environmentalist who understands the connection between the state of our planet's health and our own.

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