Monday, September 21, 2020

Sweden: “We’re going for herd immunity”. Patria: “Hold my beer” as Congress opens new session


Jai Sheetala Mata! Protecting Patria from COVID-19.

As the Fifty-First Congress returned from summer recess to open the Third Session (3·LI 2020-21) Patria is doubling down on its Covid-19 dissident voices. All across Patria, on radio and television spots, on billboards and handbills, and on the lips of almost every Patrienish citizen who is not buying the US-media-induced fear, the phrase “kevál estí grippí” – it’s only the flu – is resonating. At home altars and puja rooms, as well as at temples across Patria, the protection and blessings of Mother Sheetala are invoked.

 Near the top of the Third Session’s order paper is Patria’s commitment to herd immunity (not “herd mentality” as Donald Trump referenced it), particularly as students from KG to PhD begin the new academic year. As the Speaker of the House said today: “Patria’s healthy children, teenagers and young adults are on the front line of herd immunity. They are the vanguard shock troops who will build a line of defense in order to protect the elderly, those with compromised immune systems and those with underlying medical conditions against the actual threat of Covid-19, while themselves suffering no more than a mild flu or bad cold should they actually contract it”. Congress also re-affirmed that there will never be a Patria-wide lockdown, and any attempt to impose one on the precinct or local level will be actively resisted no matter how many positive tests or “cases” of Covid-19 (not hospital admissions or even “serious cases”) are discovered locally. The Social Democrats house leader added: “When Sweden says ‘we’re going for herd immunity and no lockdown’, Patria says ‘hold my beer’”.

 If you visit Patria, not only will you see virtually everything open for business as usual and virtually everyone freely associating (and hugging to boot), you will only rarely find anyone wearing a mask. Unless, as recommended by Patria’s Ministry of Dharma and Health, they are in self-quarantine, working in a health care facility, or are actually infected.

Rather than buying the fear-mongers and vaccine-pushers such as Dr. Anthony Fauci, Patria is heeding the advice of Prof. Udi Qimron, soon-to-be-head of the Department of Clinical Microbiology and Immunology at Tel Aviv University:

"The total number of coronavirus deaths does not exceed 0.1% of the total population in any country, and the death rate from coronavirus is less than 0.01% of the total world population, meaning that 99.99% of the world's population so far has survived the epidemic and the virus is negligibly lethal.

Smart behavior would be the opposite of what we do today. Populations not at risk should become infected and create chains of immunity, which will protect the sick and the elderly. We are currently working for sweeping social distancing, which prevents such differential immunity.

 There is a very great interest for anyone who has supported the draconian measures taken around the world to say that Sweden's policy has failed. Because if it succeeded, and trillions went down the drain for no reason, someone will have to answer for it.

That is why all over the world they prefer to claim that Sweden was wrong. But in the end, the truth came to the surface.

If we had not been told that there was an epidemic in the country, you would not have known there was such an epidemic and you would not have done anything about it. The fact that this issue runs all day in the media inflates it beyond its natural dimensions. If black death had raged here, as in the 14th century, you would not have had to follow the situation in the news, the bodies would have piled up in the streets. We were not and we are not in this situation today.

 In a world where decision makers, their advisers and the media were able to admit their mistake and the initial panic that gripped them, we would have long since returned to routine. The ongoing destruction due to the inability to admit this mistake, despite the epidemic’s small mortality numbers, is outrageous. History will judge the hysteria."

Indeed, history will judge the macro-world’s hysteria over what amounts to little more than another strain of the seasonal flu. History will judge the long-term damage (trillions of dollars, quadrillions of rupees) to the macro-world’s economy as well as to the mental and emotional health of those forced to wear masks for what could be a year or more, isolate from those who as recently as March 2020 used to bring them nurturing hugs, and for the sake of social distancing give up the human contact from religious services to sports events that used to provide sustenance and a meaningful quality of life. Patria will not follow the absurdities of much of the macro-world’s path of over-reaction and government over-reach. As Voltaire said, “Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities”.

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