Friday, June 25, 2021

"Patria is not woke!" is the take-away as Congress adjourns

The Third Session of the Fifty First Congress (3·LI 2020-21) adjourned for the summer recess at 11:23 PM local time today. The Sergeant-at-Arms brought down the gavel immediately after the traditional Annual Message to Congress was delivered by the Speaker Pro Tem. The message ended with a reminder that despite being generally progressive and liberal on social issues and economic policy, with a plurality of seats held by Social Democrats, Patria is not "woke".

Following the the text of the Annual Message to Congress:

Mr. Sergeant-at-Arms, members of this House, fellow Citizens of Patria, on this day we rise to acknowledge that with the Divine Mother’s blessings, the Fifty First Congress has reached the three-quarter mark of its term.

 In keeping with Patria’s traditions and congressional protocol, the last act of the Third Session took place just moments ago – the ratification of Patria’s fiscal 2022 budget that – with support from all parties – will include almost a trillion rupees earmarked for keeping Patria’s transportation infrastructure in a state of good repair. 

And in keeping with a new 51st Congress tradition, once again this final day’s sitting was paused for three hours in order to listen to Jungle Party House Leader Jim Rome’s Smack-Off XXVII, broadcast on PMBC-1152. Congratulations to Smack-Off winner Brad in Corona, his sixth Smack-Off title. 

One major legislative achievement of this session is the elimination of the gerontocracy, such as seen in the United States from Joe Biden to Nancy Pelosi. This House has ratified legislation imposing a mandatory retirement age of 75 for all public offices in Patria, from rat catcher to Speaker of the House. 

In this Session of Congress, as in the Second Session, Patria has considered the COVID-19 pandemic – or should we say “panic-demic” – little more than a bad flu season, like the Hong Kong Flu pandemic of 1968. Remind us again how long we had to wear masks in 1968. Remind us again how many small businesses were shuttered and how many social, sporting and other public events were canceled in 1968. Remind us again how long we had to forgo hugs and human contact in 1968. Remind us again how many cases of cancer and other deadly diseases went undetected and untreated in 1968. Remind us again how suicides, domestic violence, alcoholism, drug abuse, personal bankruptcies, obesity and depression spiked due to extended lockdowns in 1968. Patria has consistently said NO to government overreach and over-reaction, NO to unelected public health officers wielding dictatorial powers, imposing lockdowns, social restrictions and mask mandates. Alone against virtually the entire the macro-world and even the micro-world, who believed we could extra-constitutionally and unilaterally impose freedom-destroying restrictions and ultimately vaccinate our way out of COVID, Patria adopted herd immunity, put into practice the “Focused Protection” approach of the Great Barrington Declaration and allowed daily life for healthy citizens to continue almost unchanged even before a made-in-Patria version of the AstraZeneca vaccine became available, along with the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. From grade school to graduate school, from ABCs to PhDs, schools in Patria have remained open. Not one day of in-person in-classroom instruction has been missed because of COVID. Not a single restaurant has been forced to limit itself to take-out because of COVID. Patria’s small family-owned businesses have not only stayed open during COVID, they continue to thwart the plans of Costco, Walmart and the other big-boxers to expand into Patria. Have there been, and are there still, cases of COVID in Patria? Yes, and the vast majority of these cases are mild, only slightly worse than a typical seasonal flu that can be treated by resting at home. Have there been hospitalizations because of COVID? Yes, and there is not a single emergency room or intensive care unit in Patria that has been overwhelmed beyond capacity due to COVID. Have citizens of Patria died because of COVID? Yes, unfortunately. But virtually all of these deaths occurred among elderly people living in nursing homes, long-term care homes and the like, as well as those already in poor health due to underlying medical issues or compromised immune systems. Only in a tiny handful of cases was COVID the primary cause of death. 

Patria rejects the privatization of the war on free speech, the downloading of government-mandated censorship and cancellation of politically incorrect and dissident online voices to private sector gatekeepers – particularly the tech giants, internet providers and social media major players such as Twitter and Facebook. Such private sector censorship or deplatforming is an end-run around the Constitutions of both the United States and Patria that enshrine freedom of speech – not limited to freedom of speech in ones home or in the pre-internet paper media and public square – as the most fundamental human right. 

For those snowflakes and SJWs who complain of micro-aggressions, oppression or so-called systemic racism (which, unlike real systemic racism such as Apartheid or Jim Crow, has never existed in Patria), whose feelings may be hurt by words and pictures, know this: government can protect its citizens only against physical harm. Not against hurt feelings. For protection against the latter, one must grow a pair of testicles or ovaries, and recall what your parents and caregivers taught you as a pre-schooler to respond to name-calling bullies: “sticks and stones can break my bones but words will never hurt me”. 

As the Fifty-Second Congress campaign begins in earnest this summer even before the opening of the Fourth Session, as Patria prepares to vote in April 2022, know this: from Social Democrats to SRM, all parties in Patria say NO to cancel culture. NO to the Thought Police enforcing extra-legal speech and thought codes from college campuses to corporate boardrooms. NO to the violent thugs of Antifa, an openly Marxist organization that neither speaks for the majority of the Black community in the United States or in Patria, nor in any way, shape or form, represents their best interests. NO to PC virtue signalling. NO to critical race theory, white guilt and “equity” over equality. YES to free speech, free thought, open debate and ALL LIVES MATTER, not only the black ones. As the summer recess begins, as Campaign 2022 rolls out, as the #Patriavotes2022 hashtag appears on Twitter, don’t be fooled by the number of seats held by Social Democrats in this House. Patria may be leftist or socialist in economic policy, Patria may be progressive in social and environmental policy, but Patria rejects Cultural Marxism and is NOT woke! 

And let us stay un-woke when this House meets again in September. 

Let us pause to remember the lives lost by suicide as a direct result of COVID-19 lockdowns in Canada, the US, UK and elsewhere in the macro-world, and the hundreds, if not thousands, of North American First Nations children who died of disease, hunger or abuse in residential schools and were buried in unmarked graves across Canada. 

Lokah samasthah sukhino bhavantu. 

Asato ma sad gamaya
Tamaso ma jyotir gamaya
Mrityor ma amritam gamaya.

Hari Om.  Shanti, Shanti, Shanti.

Under the power vested in me by the Constitution of Patria, I declare closed the Third Session of the 51st Congress, and call this Congress to re-assemble here on Monday, 20 September 2021, to open the Fourth Session of the 51st Congress

Campaign 2022 posters are beginning to roll out across Patria.

Election Day in Patria is April 16, 2022. As in previous election campaigns, you can follow the race for Patria's 52nd Congress on Twitter, using the hashtag #patriavotes2022

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