Thursday, July 9, 2015

Amma delivers keynote address at United Nations

Amma getting face time with United Nations Development Programme Administrator Helen Clark and Ambassador Kaha Imnadze, Chairperson of the UN's Committee on Information.
Although Patria is not, and never will be, a member of the United Nations, the House Leader of the Amrita Party and Chancellor of Amrita University delivered the keynote address at the UN's Conference on Technology for Sustainable Development. Amma, along with researchers from all over the macronational world met at the UN's General Assembly in New York City to discuss the potential of human-computer interaction, nanoscience, molecular medicine, biotechnology, and wireless networking as sites of sustainable change.

Amma told the assembled delegates: "It is my faith in the validity of spiritual knowledge that has brought me here in front of you today. I often reflect deeply on the future of the Earth, the preservation of nature, and the disappearing harmony between humanity and nature. This contemplation has led me to the conviction that science, technology, and spirituality must unite in order to ensure a sustainable and balanced existence of our world. The present age and the world around us demand this transformation."

Amma's speech, entitled "Reconciling ancient spiritual wisdom and modern technology for societal transformation", was delivered, of course, in Amma's native Malayalam. But you can read the English transcription here.