Having blasted aging baby boomers with the above mini-rant, on the 14th of this month, Patria is leading the campaign to BOYCOTT VALENTINE'S DAY! It is a tawdry, sexist, over-commercialized "Hallmark holiday" that leaves Aspies, social conservatives and many others out of the loop and feeling like crap. Whether you're the nerdy grade schooler who didn't get any Valentines, the bookish college student who still hasn't gone out on a date, or the lonely 40 year old virgin playing World of Warcraft in the basement of his mom & dad's place, V-Day only reminds you of what a loser you are. And if you do have a girlfriend or some kind of relationship, there are several reasons why you should boycott V-Day:
- All about her
- Phony, expected, guilt-driven, overpriced
- All about her
- Facebook says it’s breakup day
- All about her
Noted men's rights activist Paul Elam says:
If you are a man in a relationship and you like doing nice things for your partner, fine. There are 364 other days in the year to do it. Just don’t do it on February 14th. And by the way, if you think loving someone means your wallet comes out while her purse remains closed then you will delighted to know that A Voice for Men will be selling monogrammed knee pads in the near future. All we need is the circumference of your knees and what sort of flooring is in your bedroom. We expect an endorsement from Joe Biden.
Read Elam's entire rant.
Marc Rudov, the "No Nonsense Man", is also advocating a boycott of this dreadful day.
Boycotting Valentine's Day is not just a National Union effort. The Hindu nationalists in the Amrita Party and SRM are also taking part in the campaign. During the month of February we need to focus on days that really matter and have some spiritual value, such as Shiva Ratri (Feb. 19-20).
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