Saturday, December 22, 2012

New stamps from Patria Post for 2013

Patria Post has issued two new stamps to commemorate two birth anniversaries in January 2013: Swami Vivekananda (born in Calcutta, West Bengal on Jan. 12, 1863) and Swami Kripalvananda (born in Dabhoi, Gujarat on Jan. 11, 1913), who is affectionately known as Bapuji ("dear grandfather"). Both are revered in Patria as "spiritual grandfathers" and sources of inspiration long after their passing in 1902 and 1981 respectively.

The Vivekananda Sesquicentennial stamp depicts Swami Vivekananda as he appeared in 1893 when he spoke at the Parliament of Religions in Chicago, and for all practical purposes effectively introduced Hinduism to America. Note the silhouette of 21st century Chicago skyline.

On the Kripalvananda Centennial stamp, Bapuji is shown writing on his slate. For many years he had taken a vow of silence and communicated only in this manner.

Note that on both stamps, "1" is not the denomination of one Patrienish Rupee, but denotes the current basic first class letter rate, which is about to be hiked to RsPat 25. Like Canada Post and USPS, Patria Post now issues non-denominated "forever" stamps.

Bapuji has previously appeared on a Patrienish stamp, issued in 2000. This stamp will be re-issued in 2013 as part of Patria's celebrations of Bapuji's 100th birth anniversary.

Patria is established on the principles and heritage of Sanatan Dharma or Hinduism. Nonetheless, Christmas is an official government holiday in Patria. Above is Patria Post's 2012 Christmas issue, also a non-denominated "forever" stamp.

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