Thursday, June 27, 2013

Three years done, one more to go: Third Session, 49th Congress adjourns for summer

The Third Session of Patria's 49th Congress adjourned for the [northern hemisphere] summer recess today, delivering the annual Message to Congress (Patria's version of the State of the Union address) shortly after ratifying Patria's fiscal 2014 budget. By unwritten tradition, the budget is the last legislative act of Congress each year before the end of the session. As in 2013, the budget contains plenty of the A-word (austerity, if you hadn't already guessed) along with the now-usual crappy economic news. With only one year and a couple days until the inauguration of the 50th Congress and election day - April 19, 2014 - coming sooner than you think, Campaign 2014 is for all practical purposes officially under way.

The following is the text of Patria's annual message for 2013.

XLIX Con. Pat.

Annual Message to Congress (at closing of Session)

June 27, 2013

Om brghu-ksetra-samun-milat-para-daivata-tesase namah. Adorations to the Mother who is the divine glory of the awakening land of Patria. With the Divine Mother’s blessings, the 49th Congressus PatriaĆ« has completed three quarters of its term of office.
 At the three-quarter pole, can one find anyone in Patria who feels that he or she has recovered from the Great Recession or GED (Global Economic Downturn)? Much like the previous two sessions, this third session ends with more dismal economic news, the very real possibility of Patria’s economy sliding back into full-blown recession, nothwithstanding the glass-half-full spin-meisters who trumpet that the Great Recession ended in 2009 and foolishly proclaim the economy to be robust and growing. Just as in the United States and much of Europe, over the course of this session of Congress Patria made some tough economic choices and must continue to put its fiscal house in order going forward to the 2014 election cycle. In Patria’s fiscal 2014 budget, which was ratified by Congress earlier today, once again the key word is austerity: public sector jobs will be chopped, government services will be reduced, and there is virtually nothing the scruffy band of “Occupy Patria” protesters or the liberal lapdog media can do to stop the cuts. Therefore, be warned: if you have not already felt them, the cutbacks are coming. The austerity cobra is ready to strike. Its fangs are bared. But know this: if you are fortunate enough to still have a job, over the course of the next session and the 2014 election campaign you will – thanks to the Diet Coke Party and the Swadeshis factions – at least enjoy the benefits of reduced taxes and smaller, less intrusive government in your take-home pay.
 While political Marxism is almost a spent force, surviving only in a few macro-national hell-holes such as Cuba and North Korea, the evil scourge of Cultural Marxism continues to threaten Patria more than two decades since the Berlin Wall fell and the once-mighty Soviet Union ceased to exist. In this session we have continued to carry on the struggle to promote both economic and social conservative values, to nip in the bud any effort to revive the soul-destroying failed doctrines of Soviet-era communism, to fight the leftist arbiters of political correctness at every turn, to ensure that this Congress remains a forum for open debate of issues that mainstream liberals and conservatives alike are unable or unwilling to address, and to make Patria a safe place for politically incorrect dissident-rightist libertarian-conservative non-violent thought.
 In this session, Patria has been forced to deal with the politically incorrect fact that radical Islamism – not the Islam religion per se – is incompatible with Patria’s peaceful, orderly way of life, based on the precepts of Sanatan Dharma, free from sectarian struggles, imported civil wars and random acts of terrorism. Of course, the vast majority of Muslims are not terrorists. But as we cannot fail to note, from the World Trade Center to the Boston Marathon the vast majority of terrorists are Muslim. Peaceful, otherwise law-abiding mainstream Muslim organizations and mosques tolerate the radicals and terrorists in their midst or have failed to boot them out. As in America, Patria must address the issue of patriotic immigration reform, root out illegal immigrants and deport them immediately, and admit only legal immigrants who are open, ready and willing to embrace Patria’s non-violent values, Vedic culture and Hindu heritage. Going forward into the Fourth Session, there must be no amnesty or path to citizenship for illegal immigrants. Citizenship in Patria, whether by birth or naturalization, is a privilege and not a right.
 Another macro-national issue, gay marriage, has remained a hot-button issue over the course of this session. Same-sex marriages have been legal in Canada for some time and may be coming soon to several American states, as just the other day the US Supreme Court struck down the so-called Defense of Marriage Act. But here in Patria, while there is zero tolerance for discrimination against gays and lesbians in employment, public acommodations and the like, and the cowards who perpetrate homophobic acts of violence against gays and lesbians will be vigorously prosecuted and severely punished, marriage must remain a sacred bond and lifetime commitment between a man and a woman, and only between a man and a woman. If someday the Supreme Court of Patria should rule otherwise, you can be assured that no pandit, priest, pastor or rabbi in Patria will ever be required to perform a gay marriage.
 As Congress adjourns for the summer recess, Patria renews the call for non-violent satyagraha. Just as Mahatma Gandhi did in India back in the last century, we call for Patria to rise up and boycott imported garments – in this case to boycott made-in-Bangladesh t-shirts, drawstring pants and the like and the big-box retailers such as Walmart, Joe Fresh and H&M who sell such clothing at a low price in dollars or rupees but at a cost of thousands of human lives, mostly women, lost in the collapse of a gigantic sweatshop factory while working long hours for penny-ante wages in order to satisfy the First World’s demand for bargain-rate fashions. The garment industry’s race to the bottom is a race that Patria should not enter. It is a race whose finish line is in Dhaka, Bangladesh, which perhaps not coincidentally sounds somewhat like “Dachau”. We know of the “hundred mile diet” in which as much as possible of the food we eat is grown with a 100 mile or 62.5 kilometer radius of our homes. In the fight against Bangladeshi imports and in protest against the inhuman working conditions of Bangladeshi sweatshops, to say nothing of the loss of garment industry jobs by the thousands in Patria, Canada, the United States and other first-world democracies, citizens of Patria should adopt the “hundred mile wardrobe” and wear only made-in-Patria clothes, preferably traditional apparel such as kurtas, dhotis and saris, that have been manufactured within a 100 mile radius of home – if not produced at home with fabric spun on a spinning wheel, Gandhi style.
 Although campaigning for the election of 2014 has already begun for all practical purposes, particularly for National Unionists and Swadeshis, the summer between the Third and Fourth Sessions is the more-or-less official beginning of the election campaign for the new Congress. As we all know, on April 19, 2014 we will elect the 50th Congress, the Congress that will take Patria toward its bicentennial in 2018. The 50th Congress campaign, which we can follow on Twitter @Patria1818 by using the hashtag #PatriaVotes2014, will not only be considered a referendum on Patria’s economy – or Patria’s handling of the fallout from the GED – but a debate on whether the “Positive Possibilities” platform of the 2010 campaign can remain a viable path for Patria. Going into Campaign 2014, all parties, liberal or conservative, spiritual or secular – from the major players to the single-issue fringe parties and even the single-seat party of ones – must be all-in for the fight against globalism, outsourcing, offshoring and other nefarious job-killing local economy-destroying schemes being plotted in the boardrooms of New York and the lobbies of Washington DC. Patria’s economy must be reclaimed and restructured for the benefit of Patria and Patrienish citizens first, last and above all. After all, this is our Patria, isn’t it? Let us make a pledge to meet in September and bring to this House and to the 50th Congress campaign trail bold new initiatives to fight the globalists and plutocrats, put Patria first, take back Patria’s economy and bring the jobs home.
Under the power vested in me by the Constitution of Patria, I declare closed the Third Session of the 49th Congress, and call this Congress to re-assemble here on Monday, the 16th of September 2013, to open the Fourth Session of the 49th Congress.
2013, XLIX Con. Pat.  The above text is an official transcription, as published in The Congressional Record, June 27, 2013, 3·XLIX

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