Saturday, January 18, 2014

Parvati's funding campaign goes over the top

Honorary citizen of Patria Parvati Devi's crowdsourcing campaign to raise USD 6164 in order to shoot videos for her two songs "Shanti Om" and "Yoga in the Nightclub" has gone over the top! Thanks to donors in Canada, USA, UK, and around the world - including Patria - Parvati (like her on Facebook) has raised over $7800. This extra kick means that the videos will be even more amazing, with even more groovy costumes and professional production. As Parvati recently said in her blog:

By focusing unequivocally on my joy, I align myself with universal, divine will. As I say “YES!” with each breath to my deepest soul joy, my life becomes a living prayer. It is not up to me to then say, “I will make it happen.” That is the universe’s role. My job is simply to continually say yes, one moment after the next, and keep getting out of the way.

This successful fundraising campaign has been proof of this support. Parvati did not "make" it happen. It belongs to all of us, including Patria. The upcoming videos should go live in time to rock the 50th Congress Inauguration celebrations, if not before election day. Patria will be hearing a lot of "Shanti Om" on the Campaign 2014 trail even if National Unionists and the Diet Coke Party (Patria's version of the Tea Party) don't like it.

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