Sunday, March 23, 2014

Patria is not Gilead: Social Democrats

In one of the strongest condemnations yet on the 50th Congress campaign trail, the Social Democrats denounced Patria's social conservative rump:
Patria is not Gilead. Patria is not, and will never be, a Christian theocracy. The Family Values and Chastity Parties cannot be allowed to be the tail wagging the socially liberal, Sanatan Dharma-based dog. Patria must move forward into the 2010s, not be dragged back to the 1950s. There is a reason why Family Values and Chastity parties hold only five seats in the 49th Congress and are not likely to win many more in the 50th: the voters of Patria are not buying your tired old "safe place for social conservatives" schtick. Patria is not willing to enforce "modest" dress codes on women or ban couples from kissing in public. There is no political will anywhere in Patria to criminalize abortion, homosexuality, pre-marital or extra-marital sex. Check your social mores at the door when you leave your church.
The Social Democrats are a traditional tax-and-spend liberal, left-leaning social democratic party, like the Democrats in the US or NDP in Canada. With 33 seats in the 49th Congress, they are more than a small niche party but not quite a major player like the SRM, Amrita or Chakra Parties. To use the NCAA March Madness terminology, the SD would be a mid-major party. And as college basketball fans know, Mid-Majors can make some noise in March.

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