Friday, January 20, 2017

Pray for success, hope for failure: Patria's message on Trump's inaugural

President Trump delivers his Inaugural Address
As Donald Trump became the 45th President of the United States, repeating the oath to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States", Patria appreciates the peaceful and orderly transfer of power - a hallmark of American democracy since George Washington's first inauguration in 1789.  It is the tradition in Patria to respect the office of the US presidency (indeed, the office of any macro-national head of state) even if you dislike the person holding it. With that in mind, the Third Session of the 50th Congress issued a brief message on US Inauguration Day: Patria congratulates Donald Trump and Mike Pence on their inauguration as US President and Vice President. The Inner Realm prays for Donald Trump to have the strength to carry out the duties of the macro-world's most powerful elected office. Patria wishes the Trump administration the best of luck and every success over the next four years in his quest to make America great again. At the same time, Patria is hoping that Mr. Trump will fail: FAIL to build the wall on the US-Mexico border, FAIL to mass-deport Muslim Americans, FAIL to overturn Roe v. Wade, and that he will FAIL to divide the nation, whether men from women, Christians from heathen non-believers, native-born from immigrants, or those who didn't vote for him from those who did.

Full text of President Trump's Inaugural Address.

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