Saturday, March 16, 2019

Darcy Day in Patria

Darcy Belanger (1972-2019), literally gave his life for MAPS.
By Act of the 51st Congress, today has been proclaimed Darcy Day in Patria. It is a day to remember Darcy Belanger, the "quarterback" of the Marine Arctic Peace Sanctuary (MAPS) team, who was one of the 18 Canadians who lost their lives on Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302 on March 10, 2019. He was en route to the United Nations Environment Assembly in Nairobi, Kenya. There, he was slated to meet with government officials, media and a growing pan-African volunteer contingent in support of MAPS.

A native of Edmonton, Alberta, who later moved to Denver, CO, Darcy was one of the first to join the cause for MAPS, recognizing the importance of the Arctic Ocean to our collective future. He co-founded and has been on the front lines for MAPS ever since.

Today in Patria, Darcy will be remembered not only for his heroic dedication to the cause of MAPS, which Patria ratified in 2016 - one of the first (albeit non-recognized) governments to do so - but also for his courage and selfless service. Indeed, today is a day in which all citizens of Patria should perform some act of seva or selfless service in memory of Darcy.

View Darcy's final video message.

Darcy was the quarterback, but now it is up to all of us to get the MAPS ball into the end zone. If you have not yet signed the MAPS petition, click here now! (or touch, or swipe; "click" is a leftover of the 1990s and early 2000s when virtually all internet access was done with PCs.)

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