Tuesday, September 20, 2022

“Rise up, push back” against COVID mandates as Congress begins session

 After sitting for an hour or two in the early afternoon of Inauguration Day, June 30, the new Fifty Second Congress adjourned for the traditional summer recess. Recess time ends today as Congress members return to the Capitol to begin the First Session (1·LII 2022-23), postponed one day in memory of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. The Queen’s state funeral was held on the day Congress was scheduled to re-convene, Sept. 19. Patria paid its respects to the greatest modern macro-national monarch and her 70 year reign.

 On the order paper for the First Session is a call to “rise up and push back” should any government attempt to re-impose mask mandates, vaccine passports, school closures, lockdowns and other COVID-19 restrictions. As duly noted, the time for government overreach has passed, the measures were of very little practical use to stop COVID’s spread and online school likely caused many children irreparable damage. Learn to live with it. As Patria has been saying since 2020, kevál estí grippí – it’s only the flu (or a bad cold).

 RIP Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

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