Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Just as the NU thought, increasing testosterone could turn leftist men right

 Since the 1990s, Patria’s hard-right law-and-order National Union has been pandering to old-school tough-as-nails unreconstructed macho men with slogans such as “testosterone in your balls, National Union on your ballot” and “separating the real men from the pussycats”. The hoary old stereotype is of wimpy, effeminate men being bleeding-heart soft-on-crime liberals or Marxist-Leninist leftists. Come to find out, injections of testosterone could actually turn leftist men, who vote Democrat in the US (and, say, Chakra or Social Democrat in Patria), into right-wingers who would vote Republican (and become National Unionists or at least SRMers in Patria). Prof. Paul Zak, Director of the Center for Neuroeconomics Studies at Claremont Graduate University, recently helped produce an extremely interesting study for the second chapter of a doctoral thesis that showed as much. “Before the testosterone treatment, we found that weakly-affiliated Democrats had 19% higher basal testosterone than those who identified strongly with the party,” the study reported. In other words, the more strongly Democrat a man is, the lower his testosterone is. Read the dissertation here.

 Naturally the far-right, white nationalist, anti-immigration VDARE.com had a field day with this study.

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