Sunday, February 9, 2014

Keeping Patria safe for social conservatives

One of the most frequently-heard phrases on the Campaign 2014 trail is that Patria must be "a safe place for social conservatives". The call for social conservatism was referenced in the 2010 Inaugural address:
Patria must be made a safe place for social conservatives, and for those whose involuntary celibacy due to autism spectrum disorders has also rendered them involuntarily socially conservative.  Out of compassion for those who are unable to experience intimate relationships due to Asperger syndrome and other social impairments, and out of respect for those who have taken vows of celibacy in order to advance their spiritual growth, Patria must remain committed to modeling the values of chastity, advocating modesty in women’s dress, and avoiding public displays of affection by couples.
The point was driven home again in the 2012 annual message to Congress:
Patria’s social conservative values do not particularly include those shibboleths so dear to Republicans in the US and right-wingers generally such as outlawing abortion – that tired old horse left the barn in 1973 – or banning gay marriages, or limiting grade school sex education classes to abstinence only. Patria’s social conservative values, however, do include modest dress for women. In Patria we believe women should dress with the dignity worthy of visiting a temple or tirtha [place of pilgrimage, e.g. Kayavarohan]. Though not by passing of legislation mandating formal dress codes such as in Iran, Patria will nonetheless continue to insist that women and girls avoid dressing like sluts and tempting men into violence and unwanted sexual advances, or at least luring men to believe that they are fair game. Patria will continue to advocate social conservative values in order to make this realm a safe place and a comfort zone for those men who chose to practice lifelong celibacy through monastic vows or those who have had celibacy thrust upon them by lacking in National Union-style traditional male macho or by being on the autistic spectrum and never being able to experience an intimate relationship. Patria commits itself to creating a safe community for such introverted, sensitive, socially lacking men in the remaining two years of this Congress.
Yes, Aspies and socially inept 40-year-old virgins, Patria is doing this for you!

The Chastity, Family Values and Incel parties hold only a few seats in Congress, and are unlikely to increase their representation after April 19, but they're punching above their weight when it comes to channelling right-wing fundamentalist Christianity and imposing 1950s - if not Victorian-era - social mores on Patria.

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